Malaysian people of various races and religions need to think of themselves as a nation of Malaysia are thinking and acting to achieve a goal. In line with this, the unity that exist between races in this country should be strengthened to create a more peaceful country ambience, advanced, secure and prosperous.
The 1 Malaysia concept was introduced by Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, is a step that coincided with the mood and feel of the people. This concept is in line with what the Perlembagaan Persekutuan and Rukun Negara.
1 Malaysia brought the aspirations to improve race relations to ensure that the people of Malaysia to forge closer unity. The basic thing that needs to be created in the spirit of solidarity is a feeling of respect, sincerity and mutual trust between the races. '1 Malaysia' will also establish a government that put people's priorities centered on performance as Prime Minister of the slogan of ‘Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan’
'1 Malaysia ' need leadership and people of high integrity. The nature of honest, capable, to speak the truth, transparency, honesty and trust are very important to implement the responsibility to the nation. 
'1Malaysia' needs a wise leader who interpret and understand their assignment.Outstanding and committed leader should have a high ability to plan, strategize, assess performance and timeliness in providing the best service to the people. The passion and commitment to duties and responsibilities of the foundation or the most powerful weapon to achieve a success. The country needs people who are dedicated and committed to perform the duties and responsibilities with pride, determination and commitment to the interests and advancement.
Malaysia also requires leaders who are friendly people and willing to sacrifice time, energy and financial and personal interests aside for the sake of the nation. Leaders who work with dedication and sincerity will get the support and respect from all walks of life.
All people need to give priority to the interests of national allegiance and loyalty to the people and solve their own group. This country is a country for all citizens, regardless of race, religion, culture and politics. All people should assume that they are a nation of Malaysia in which everything should be enjoyed in common. Malaysia is a country where there are no people or people who would enjoy being marginalized from the development and defense of the government.
Malaysia is a catalyst for the creation of nation states to develop Malaysia as a country that has the attitude of equality and togetherness among the people. The ability to build our nation depends on the shared values of integrity, ability, dedication and loyalty.
Leaders and citizens need to understand and appreciate the value of eight 1 Malaysia, the culture of excellence, courage, humility, acceptance, loyalty, meritocracy, education and integrity.


An explanation of the concept of Malaysia by YAB Dato 'Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak:
"We stand, we think and act as a nation of Malaysia. One People. And we take actions based on the needs of all ethnic groups in our country;
This does not mean we dispense with affirmative action policies, policies to help indigenous people as long as the policy is implemented in a fair manner and give consideration to the Bumiputera community who are eligible for a consideration of the government.
We came out of the way in which we practice ethnic wall for a long time. "
Based on the above, can be formulated the following conclusions:
 The concept of a Malaysia that all citizens and leaders to play their role.
The verse that says: "We stood up, think and act as a nation of Malaysia. One People "demanded the people of various races and religions to think beyond their ethnic boundaries. They also seek to produce action beyond the walls of racial and ethnic interests.
Hence, the Malays, for example, be asked not only to think within the scope of their nations. They were also asked to not only restrict their actions to matters of importance to them immediately. So did the other races, they claimed to do the same.
While the line "and we take actions based on the needs of all ethnic groups in our country" more focused and concerned with the leadership. This paragraph means that the country's leadership will serve and meet the needs and rights of all races and ethnic groups in Malaysia.
The added value and innovation in the concept of a Malaysian:
"Taking actions based on the needs of all ethnic groups in our country" has been implemented by the government since the country's independence. Things are running in the shape of its own, namely, the leadership of the country serving the needs of each ethnic community through their representatives.
Through a concept of Malaysia, the Prime Minister wants all MPs to act beyond the boundaries of their people and expand their services to other communities.


Based on a definition of the concept of Malaysia as stated above, a Malaysia have different concepts as follows:
 "The concept of Malaysian Malaysia is a policy that wants to continue to thwart the basic social structure that existed for so long. Justice is taken blindly taking the concept of total equality version. But more to the concept of a Malaysia for the harmonization of the people in a different scope. "
 In addition to the interests of all communities, the concept of a Malaysia also emphasizes the integration and creation of Bangsa Malaysia. Unlike the Malaysian Malaysia is limited to equal rights without regard to reality and history of Malaysia.


The concept of a vision of Malaysia is not a new thought or idea. On the other hand a concept of Malaysia 'People first, Performance Now' is a concept in the administration who advised government leaders to discharge their duties more efficiently, trust and responsibility in the interest of the people.


The relationship between 1 Malaysia and the concept of a previous Goverment policy stated earlier by the Prime Minister himself. He stressed that "the concept of a 1 Malaysia, 'Rakyat Didahulukan. Pencapaian Diutamakan' is the continuation of two concepts introduced by former Prime Minister.
This concept is not something new. On the other hand "a 1 Malaysia, 'Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan', an effort that has long been practiced. Efforts to preserve and protect the interests of the people and the country has done since the days of Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj. Efforts of our people and country were linked by the Prime-Prime Minister next. Every Prime Minister has their own ideas, but the goal remains the same for the people and country.

'1 Malaysia' aims to maintain and enhance the unity in diversity which has always been the strength of Malaysia and its people, and this advantage will be maintained as our best hope for any challenge.
'1 Malaysia' will also establish a government that prioritizes the achievement of the priority axis is reflected when people like the slogan YAB Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak called 'Rakyat Didahukan, Pencapain Diutamakan'.


There were eight of which are applied by the Honourable Dato 'Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak in concept of '1 Malaysia'. These values are expected to bringing its people together with the thoughts and actions that lead to one goal, namely to the country. Eight values are:
1. Culture of excellence
2. Fortitude
3. Humble
4. Acceptance
5. Loyalty
6. Meritocracy
7. Education

8. Integrity

Conclusion: The conclusion is as a Malaysian we need to respect each other and follow 1Malaysia concept. 1Malaysian concept can give peace to our beloved country.


Prepared by: The National Association Publications

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